Friday, November 30, 2007

Some Men are Like

courtesy :

They're cute at first, but you soon tire of picking up their crap.

Remote controls.
Chances are you'll find them lying by the TV.

Parking spaces at a popular mall.
The good ones are all taken.

In order to get their attention, you must first turn them on.

Fine wine.
They take a long time to mature.

If they sit too long, they become lumpy.

They run at the first sign of tears.

They on appear only when there is food on the table.

Only moving objects get their attention.

They take up too much space on the bed..

They're easy to catch with food.

Text Messages.
The shorter the message, the easier it is for them to understand

They like to pollenate more than one flower.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What Not to Do on a Date

by Joe Tracy - Publisher of Online Dating Magazine

There is a saying that "you never get a second chance to make a good first impression" and that's especially true on a first date.

When you know how to properly act on a date, you secure a better chance at getting a second date. Learning proper etiquette, however, first requires knowing what dating turnoffs to avoid.

Here are 10 dating turnoffs that you should avoid like the plague:

1) Don't Get Drunk
Make sure you don’t have one too many drinks while you’re out on a date. It can be quite easy to lose track how many you’ve had, especially if you’re having a great time. If you are not sure that you can control yourself, opt for a non-alcoholic beverage instead. Having no drinks is always the safest route to take on a first date.

2) Don't be a Womanizer.or a Manizer
On your date there is nothing more annoying and disrespectful than a roaming eye targeting members of the opposite sex. Keep your eyes on your date.

3) Don't Discuss Controversial Topics
Talking about politics, religion or hot debatable topics is a sure way to get off on the wrong footing with your date. It's also important not to get emotional. Now isn’t the time to share too much. Don’t talk about your “exes”, and don’t do a rundown of everything that’s wrong with your life (major turnoff). Keep things light and positive.

4) Don't Bring a Friend on Your Date
Bringing a friend on your date is an instant way to make your date feel like a third wheel. Unless you are going on a group date, bringing someone else along is disrespectful and lets the other person know you are not truly interested in getting to know him/her. It's a great way to ruin what could have been a dynamic date with interesting conversation.

5) Don't Leave Your Cell Phone On
A ringing cell phone is highly annoying a date. Even more annoying is when the date answers the call! Keep your cell phone with you, but turn it off. Never have a friend call you as a way of getting out of a date ("an emergency came up - I have to go"). Instead, just be honest. If a date isn't going well, do the right thing and end it early without lies. You will be more respected for it.

6) Don't Dominate the Conversation
Dominating a conversation is a big dating turnoff - especially for men. You want to try to make sure that the conversation is balanced. You should be asking as many questions as you are answering. You should be asking follow-up questions to things your date says. Most of all, you should be focused on the conversation and not what you are going to say next.

7) Don't Lie
When a person lies (whether in their online dating profile, on a date, or while in a relationship) they lose instant credibility. Try practicing being 100% honest with everything in your life. You'll see major improvements in your relationships, dating life, and self esteem. Lying destroys credibility and potential relationships. Learn to always be truthful in a sincere way.

8) Don't be Late
Being late to a date gets your date off on the wrong foot. If you know you are going to be late and can't help it, then call the person in advance. Tell them you are running late, when you'll be there, and that you are looking forward to seeing them.

9) Don't Make Decisions for Your Date
Some men think it's cool to order for their date, when in reality it is inconsiderate. Some women like it, but most don't. Like you, your date can think for himself/herself and when you take that away from them, the date may see you as being compulsive or controlling. And that's a turnoff.

10) Don't Eat Like You're Starving to Death
On a date, you should eat normal and with proper table manners. If your date sees someone who looks like they haven't eaten in weeks, it may make them wonder about your lifestyle (and income).

Dating is a lot of fun. You meet interesting people and can find that potential soul mate for life. By avoiding dating turnoffs, you improve your chances of getting a second date along with building dating habits that are healthy for you and your date.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Some Women are Like

courtesy :

The older they get, the easier they are to pick up.

All are beautiful, but they are cold as ice.

Everything is stored in long-term memory for easy retrieval later on.

They are cuddly and playful, but watch out when their claws come out!

They love to repeat things.

A game of Scrabble.
Their vocabulary is endless and always in play.

Christmas Trees.
The more gifts they have, the merrier they become.

They beautiful to look at, but hard to keep.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

5 Things Women Will Never Understand

Men are a misunderstood lot, which all in all is probably for the best. Women are better off not knowing that we eat with our hands the minute they leave the room or that we use their nail clippers to trim our nose hair. Better for them, better for us. Still, it's annoying that women spend more time and money trying to understand the minds of cats than they do wondering about what makes men tick. Which is why they'll never understand...

Our consuming need to own the biggest and most expensive version of just about everything.

Our compulsive desire to drive off-road vehicles in cities and use corkscrews that resemble offshore drilling equipment is well documented. As marketing targets, men are suckers for terms like "professional" or "industrial strength," because inside every man is the germ of every profession he ever imagined himself one day excelling at. Most of these purchases are harmless, little more than childish wish fulfillment played out at a higher testosterone level. But occasionally we go too far. The guy upstairs from me once boasted that he had a filter which filled his flat with "operating theater quality air." I kept him away from my surgical steel steak knives.

Why we are so bad at shopping.
We've never been trained to do it the right way. Supermarkets are like giant booby traps for males -- which is why if you send a man out to get eggs, sugar and bread, you should not be surprised if he returns home with a case of beer, a pair of jeans and a tree.

The reason why we don't like to discuss The Relationship.
Most of us will find any excuse to dodge those conversations that start with questions like "Are you really happy?" and "Where do you see us going?" A relationship is a delicate thing, like an antique clock, and we know what will happen if we start picking it apart. Often our reticence will result in a lengthy conversation about why we have trouble talking about... "The Relationship."

Why we think we can fix things.
Almost all men believe they can repair virtually anything with a little patience. In reality, we're only half right. Men are extremely good at taking things apart: whether it's a dishwasher or an antique clock, a man can break it down to its most basic components in no time. Unfortunately, this is where our expertise usually leaves off, and we're mostly satisfied with leaving bits and pieces spread all over newspaper on the kitchen table.

Men and video games.
Women cannot understand how grown men can waste huge chunks of their lives zapping things off a screen. When a man repeatedly rings his girlfriend to say he has to work late and routinely comes home at two in the morning all glassy eyed, she will usually take this as evidence of an affair -- when it's more likely that a pirated copy of Streetfighter II is making the rounds at the office.